
Monday, September 28, 2009

Something Borrowed.

Truly, today's post has nothing to do with "Facing Your Giants" but rather another thought that I had yesterday and wanted to share and receive feedback on.

A couple of weeks ago I held a rather large Mary Kay event, a "Ladies Night Out" at Iowa State. Now, normally we work in small groups and more intimate settings. So, for this event, I had to borrow some supplies from other consultants and ended up borrowing items from three separate women. I assured them that if they would allow me to borrow their supplies I'd make sure they got returned or replaced. As soon as the event was over, I boxed and bagged up supplies for these three women, certain that I knew what needed to go back to each respective person.

Then, they made it to the back of my car. I was very anxious to get these items returned and back to their respective owners in a timely fashion, as I know they needed these items in the near future.

Yesterday, after dropping off the last bunch of supplies I had this huge sense of relief. I was so thankful that these women trusted me enough to let me borrow their items and that I could use those items for a successful evening for some wonderful young women, yet I was glad to have given everything back to their rightful owners safe and sound.

This got me to thinking a bit about Ang's comment on our Week Two Challenge. That what helped her get over her fears was knowing that everything that we have, ourselves and our families included, are not our own. Everything that we have is borrowed from Him. Borrowed. He has given all that we have to us, temporarily, in order that we may prosper (Jer 29:11), or, in other words, succeed. How thankful we should be to know that God trusts us to borrow what is rightfully His. That He expects us to be good stewards of all that He has given to us.

And now, this is where you come in for discussion. The feelings that I had in the situation yesterday were those of thanksgiving to know that I am trusted, but also relief to know that I had given everything back, cleaned up and in condition that the supplies were ready for the use of their owners.

I fail again and again at remembering and recognizing that everything I have is from the Lord. But, I am ready to start returning what He has given me, cleaned up and ready for His use. Where does one begin to give back? Tithing comes to mind so quickly. But, I started really thinking about this. Looking first at my material possessions. Then, at myself. How about my smile. Have I given that back to Him today through someone else? I have some other thoughts, but I'd love to hear yours.

What are some ways that you return to the Lord all that you have borrowed? When you return it, is it all cleaned up and ready for His use? Please share your encouragement, some relevant scripture, or simply your thoughts.

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