
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 2 Challenge & GIVEAWAY!

Congrats to Pamela. And what a perfect week for her to get the giveaway... it's her birthday week! Happy Birthday!


What are your fears?

We've talked some this week about fear. And about how fear can cause complacency in our lives and in our faith.

Fear is powerful. But God says, "Do not be afraid." He says, "Take courage, I am here."

Week 2 Challenge
Comment on this post (or post a link to your blog post) about your fears or how God is working in your life to conquer your fears and challenge complacency.

And to help you overcome your fears, one commenter will receive Max Lucado's "Imagine Your Life Without Fear". Comments for giveaway must be posted by Sunday midnight. Good luck!


  1. SIDE NOTE: We know fears are very personal. To participate in this conversation, you do not have to lay out your specific fears, - feel free to post on general fears, past fears, how the Lord has helped you face and overcome those fears, or just a passage of scripture that you would like to share.

  2. SIDE NOTE 2: Sorry, friends! Just a note that I do not think the "Mozilla" browswer allows readers to leave comments. Or maybe I am just technilogically challenged, but if you are having troubles try using Internet Explorer to leave comments! God Bless :)

  3. Mary- Thanks for posting but I was hoping you'd do some editing first! :)

    God keeps telling me to have reckless faith, (Yes, it's a good thing: http://601hicksfamily.blogspot.com/2009/09/not-so-subtle.html )

    He keeps saying not to be afraid, that He will meet all of my needs!! (Phillipians 4:19)

  4. My fears have been pretty consistent over the years, and (this is so backwards) grow more pronounced over time. When I admit them to myself out loud they almost knock the wind out of me, and then, feeling guilty about those momentary lapses of faith, they are replaced by the fear that eventually God will just roll his eyes and walk away. And THAT'S why Jeremiah 29:11 (since 1999), Jeremiah 42:3 (since 1993), and John and Matthew mean so much to me.

    Note: If this comment works, it will have come from the Mozilla Firefox browser.

  5. God has helped me overcome two very big fears in my life over the past few years. One is with my children and the other is driving situations. There was basically one answer to both fears. God kept laying it on my heart that our children are not our own and we are not our own. Even though we don't want anything to happen to us, even if it does, God has His hand over the situation and will get us through. We don't need to look ahead, we just need to focus on today and know that He will help us through each day as it says in Matthew 6:34(Message version) "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." He has calmed my fears and anxieties with His still small voice. Will you choose to listen when He's calling to you?
